Saturday, November 28, 2015

Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Surgery PreOp® Patient Education

Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic  PreOp® Surgery Video Center:

PreOp® Surgery Patient Engagement - Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure used to help a patient lose weight.

It is usually recommended to help those who are morbidly obese - meaning that their weight problem has become a serious health risk.

StoreMD™ Physician Practice videos for Patient Engagement:

Healthcare Facilities for bedside and website:

MedSelfEd, Inc. Publishing Patient Education

#PatientEducation, #physician, #Nursing, #Surgery, #Elderly #MedicalWeb

+ StoreMD

+ Freemium

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Anti-Reflux Laparoscopy Surgery PreOp® Patient Education

PreOp® Anti-Reflux Laparoscopy Surgery - Patient Education

PreOp® Surgery Patient Engagement - When you have reflux disease, the weakened muscle allows the contents of your stomach to back up into your esophagus...

StoreMD™ Physician Practice videos for Patient Engagement:

Healthcare Facilities for bedside and website:

#PatientEducation, #physician, #Nursing, #Surgery, #Elderly #MedicalWeb

+ StoreMD

+ Freemium

MedSelfEd, Inc. Publishing Patient Education

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mastectomy Modified Radical Surgery PreOp® Patient Education

Mastectomy Modified Radical Surgery - PreOp® Surgery Video Centers:

MedSelfEd, Inc. Publishing Patient Education

 PreOp® Surgery Patient Engagement - A Modified Radical Mastectomy is a procedure in which the breast and surrounding tissue are removed, while leaving the chest muscle intact. In most cases, mastectomy is required in order to remove cancerous tissue from the body. The extent of tissue removed is determined by the amount of cancer present in your body.

StoreMD™ Physician Practice videos for Patient Engagement:

Healthcare Facilities for bedside and website: 

#PatientEducation, #physician, #Nursing, #Surgery, #Elderly #MedicalWeb

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mastectomy Total Surgery PreOp® Patient Education

PreOp® Mastectomy Total Surgery
MedSelfEd, Inc. Publishing Patient Education
PreOp® Surgery Video Center:  Mastectomy Total Surgery

PreOp® Surgery Patient Engagement - Total Mastectomy is the removal of the breast.

In most cases, mastectomy is required in order to remove cancerous tissue from the body.

The extent of tissue removed is determined by the amount of cancer present in your body.

A total mastectomy involves the removal the breast, but not the removal of lymph nodes or chest muscle that lies underneath the breast.

StoreMD™ Physician Practice videos for Patient Engagement:

Healthcare Facilities for bedside and website:

#PatientEducation#physician#Nursing#Surgery#Elderly #MedicalWeb

+ StoreMD
+ Freemium