Saturday, November 28, 2015

Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Surgery PreOp® Patient Education

Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic  PreOp® Surgery Video Center:

PreOp® Surgery Patient Engagement - Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure used to help a patient lose weight.

It is usually recommended to help those who are morbidly obese - meaning that their weight problem has become a serious health risk.

StoreMD™ Physician Practice videos for Patient Engagement:

Healthcare Facilities for bedside and website:

MedSelfEd, Inc. Publishing Patient Education

#PatientEducation, #physician, #Nursing, #Surgery, #Elderly #MedicalWeb

+ StoreMD

+ Freemium

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Anti-Reflux Laparoscopy Surgery PreOp® Patient Education

PreOp® Anti-Reflux Laparoscopy Surgery - Patient Education

PreOp® Surgery Patient Engagement - When you have reflux disease, the weakened muscle allows the contents of your stomach to back up into your esophagus...

StoreMD™ Physician Practice videos for Patient Engagement:

Healthcare Facilities for bedside and website:

#PatientEducation, #physician, #Nursing, #Surgery, #Elderly #MedicalWeb

+ StoreMD

+ Freemium

MedSelfEd, Inc. Publishing Patient Education