This is an information resource designed to help you understand the nature of a medical condition and the surgical procedure most commonly used to treat it.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Permanent Pacemaker Implant Surgery • PreOp® Patient Education ❤
Permanent Pacemaker Implant Surgery - PreOp® Patient Education
Patient Education Company
Your doctor has recommended that you receive a permanent pacemaker implanted in your body. But what does that actually mean?
The heart is located in the center of the chest, enclosed by the breast bone and rib cage. By contracting in a rhythmic way, it causes the blood in your body to circulate.
A normally functioning heart beats at a rate of between 60 and 100 contractions per minute.
These contractions are triggered by a small piece of heart tissue called the SA node. The SA node generates a small electrical signal that is transmitted by nerves to the surrounding muscle. These electrical impulses are what cause the heart muscle to contract.
In some people, the SA node fails to cause the heart to contract with its normal rhythm, causing an abnormal heartbeat or arrhythmia. The most common form of arrhythmia, for which pacemaker surgery is often recommended, is bradyarrythymia - or slow heart rate.
There are a number of reasons why you may have developed an arrhythmia, but in most cases the problem is caused by a disruption in the SA node or in the system of nerves that conducts electrical signals to the heart muscle.
A pacemaker is a device that is designed to provide an electrical signal to the heart muscle and to help it maintain a proper rhythm. There are several types of pacemakers and the particular model selected for you will be based on your specific condition. But all pacemakers share a common design.
Your pacemaker will consist of two major pieces . . . a small metal box that contains a battery and other electronic components and an insulated wire, called a lead, which will carry the electrical impulses from the pacemaker to the heart.
Your pacemaker will be permanently implanted in your chest and, depending on your condition, either one or two leads will be attached to the heart muscle.
Your Procedure:
On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
You may receive a sedative by mouth and an intravenous line may be put in.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
To begin, skin is swabbed with an antiseptic solution and a sterile drape will be placed around the operative site.
Then the surgeon will make a small skin incision in the upper chest, just below the collarbone.
A pocket is then created between the skin and the tissue that covers the chest muscle.
Next, the team will use instruments called retractors to hold back the skin and underlying tissue. They'll locate a large blood vessel called the subclavian vein.
Using a special needle and syringe, your doctor will puncture the wall of the vein.
A thin guide wire is then inserted through the needle and into the vein. Your doctor gently pushes the wire until it reaches the heart.
Using an instrument called a fluoroscope the surgical team is able to see the wire's progress through the vein and into the beating heart.
Once the wire is in place, the needle is removed and a catheter - or hollow tube - is passed over the guide wire and into the heart.
One or two leads are then passed through the catheter.
When the lead or leads are in their proper position, the catheter is removed.
Finally, the lead is connected to the pacemaker, the pacemaker is inserted into the pocket below the collar bone and the incision is closed.
Patient Education Company
Now let’s learn about what may occur after surgery, some risks of surgery, and what you can do to help.
It is important for you to “speak up” and tell your care team if you have more than expected pain or problems.
They will be watching for early, rare complications.
For the best recovery, follow your instructions after surgery that may include information about,
Call your doctor if you have trouble with diarrhea, vomiting or worsening constipation. Call if you cannot urinate, have a fever, or pain that is getting worse even with rest and medication.
Call 911 if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, bleeding that doesn’t stop, and any other sign that you may be having a complication from the procedure.
Hospital admission, medication or (additional) surgery may be needed to correct some problems.
To avoid cancellation or complications from anesthesia or your procedure, your job as the patient is to
not eat, drink or chew gum after midnight, the night before the procedure unless you are given different instructions
take only medications you were told to on the morning of the procedure with a sip of water
follow instructions regarding aspirin and blood thinners before surgery,
and arrive on time
This video is intended as a tool to help you to better understand the procedure that you are scheduled to have or are considering. It is not intended to replace any discussion, decision making or advice of your physician.
#cardiac #coronary #heartmonth #HeartHealth
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
PreOp® Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG ) Off-Pump Patient Education
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG ) Off-Pump PreOp® Patient Education
What is heart bypass surgery?
When the surgeon removes a portion of a blood vessel from the patient’s leg or chest, most probably the left internal mammary artery and the saphenous vein to bypass the old, diseased coronary artery and to build a new pathway for blood to reach the heart muscle.
These transplanted vessels are called grafts and depending on your condition, your doctor may need to perform more than one coronary artery bypass graft.
Your heart is located in the center of your chest.
It is surrounded by your rib cage and protected by your breastbone.
Your heart’s job is to keep blood continually circulating throughout your body.
The vessels that supply the body with oxygen-rich blood are called arteries.
The vessels that return blood to the heart are called veins.
Like any other muscle in the body, the heart depends on a steady supply of oxygen rich blood. The arteries that carry this blood supply to the heart muscle are called coronary arteries.
Sometimes, these blood vessels can narrow or become blocked by deposits of fat, cholesterol and other substances collectively known as plaque.
Over time, plaque deposits can narrow the vessels so much that normal blood flow is restricted. In some cases, the coronary artery becomes so narrow that the heart muscle itself is in danger.
Coronary bypass surgery attempts to correct this serious problem. In order to restore normal blood flow, the surgeon removes a portion of a blood vessel from the patient’s leg or chest, most probably the left internal mammary artery and the saphenous vein.
Patient Education and Patient Engagement
Your doctor uses one or both of these vessels to bypass the old, diseased coronary artery and to build a new pathway for blood to reach the heart muscle.
These transplanted vessels are called grafts and depending on your condition, your doctor may need to perform more than one coronary artery bypass graft.
One or more sections of blood vessel will be taken from the leg, thigh or chest wall and the incision at those points will be sutured and bandaged.
Then, your doctor will make a vertical incision in the center of the chest.
Skin and other tissue will be pulled back in order to expose the breast bone.
Your doctor will carefully divide the breast bone and a special instrument called a retractor will be used to hold the chest open.
Once your doctor has a clear view of the heart, he or she will make an incision in the pericardium – a thin membrane that encloses the heart.
Pulling the pericardium back will reveal the beating heart.
Next, the surgeon will gently rotate the heart to the right in order to allow access to the heart's underside.
Using veins taken from another part of your body, the team will begin to build new paths for blood bypassing the blocked areas of the old artery or arteries. The team will attach as many new veins as needed to the underside of the heart.
Then, the doctor will gently rotate the heart back to its normal position.
To complete the bypass graft procedure, your doctor attaches the ends of the new veins on either side of the diseased area or areas of the old coronary artery. Blood can now flow freely avoiding the clogged areas that had caused your symptoms.
The pericardium can now be closed over the heart.
Your doctor will position two special drainage tubes in the chest cavity.
These tubes prevent fluid from building up around the heart during the healing process.
The breast bone is then closed with metal wire and the remaining tissue is closed with sutures.
Finally a sterile bandage is applied.
Patient Education and Patient Engagement
#HeartMonth #AmericanHeartMonth #patienteducation
Friday, February 1, 2019
PostCare™ Handwashing patient Education
Handwashing • PostCare™ Patient Education & Patient Engagement
This video is about washing your hands to get rid of germs so that you don’t spread infection.
Germs are bacteria, yeast, and viruses that cause sickness and infection. They are so small you can’t see them.
Germs are always on your hands and can be spread to other parts of your own body, to the person you are caring for and to anything else you touch.
Wash your hands after you cough, sneeze or blow your nose, handle trash and after you touch anything bloody or dirty.
You must wash your hands before and after you take care of a patient, touch their food or drink, and use the toilet.
For good handwashing, you need to wash for 20-30 seconds almost half a minute. You can time yourself by humming the “Happy Birthday” song two times. If you can see dirt on your hands, it takes even longer to get them clean, don’t rush.
Rubbing your hands together loosens dirt and germs from your skin and the running water washes them away.
Pay attention to clean the tops and bottoms of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
Use liquid soap if possible because bar soap can have germs on the outside.
Make sure paper towels and a trash bin are nearby.
Remove jewelry from your hands except for a wedding band and push your sleeves up.
Turn on the water and wet your hands.
Pump enough soap from the dispenser to cover your hands as you rub them together.
Start counting to 20 slowly at this point, or hum the “happy birthday” song 2 times.
Rub your fingers together, the back of each hand and around each thumb.
Get soap under your fingernails by rubbing your nails against the palm or inside of your other hand. If your nails are dirty, clean under them.
Keep rubbing your hands together until the end of your count.
Rinse your hands completely.
Because the sink has germs, use a paper towel to turn off the water.
Throw away the paper towel.
Use a new paper towel to dry your hands completely.
Then throw it away.
If soap and water are not available you may use alcohol-based, waterless hand sanitizers. Use enough sanitizer to cover your hands completely when you rub them together and keep rubbing them together until they are dry.
Waterless sanitizers kill most but not all germs. Sanitizers are not as good as soap and water for germs from diarrhea, especially a bacteria called CDiff (say “C” “Diff”).
They also do not work if you can see dirt on your hands or if they are wet from blood or something else.
Key points to remember with handwashing are to use soap from a pump dispenser, rub your hands together for 20-30 seconds, and rinse completely with water.
Remember with waterless hand sanitizers to rub in until dry, that they are not a good choice if you see dirt on your hands and that they do not kill all germs, especially those from diarrhea.
This video is intended as a tool to help you to better understand the care instructions that you have been given. It is not intended to replace any specific advice or personal care instructions that you have received from your care team. If you have any questions or problems please be sure to call or be seen.
This video is about washing your hands to get rid of germs so that you don’t spread infection.
Germs are bacteria, yeast, and viruses that cause sickness and infection. They are so small you can’t see them.
Germs are always on your hands and can be spread to other parts of your own body, to the person you are caring for and to anything else you touch.
Wash your hands after you cough, sneeze or blow your nose, handle trash and after you touch anything bloody or dirty.
You must wash your hands before and after you take care of a patient, touch their food or drink, and use the toilet.
For good handwashing, you need to wash for 20-30 seconds almost half a minute. You can time yourself by humming the “Happy Birthday” song two times. If you can see dirt on your hands, it takes even longer to get them clean, don’t rush.
Rubbing your hands together loosens dirt and germs from your skin and the running water washes them away.
Pay attention to clean the tops and bottoms of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
Use liquid soap if possible because bar soap can have germs on the outside.
Make sure paper towels and a trash bin are nearby.
Remove jewelry from your hands except for a wedding band and push your sleeves up.
Turn on the water and wet your hands.
Pump enough soap from the dispenser to cover your hands as you rub them together.
Start counting to 20 slowly at this point, or hum the “happy birthday” song 2 times.
Rub your fingers together, the back of each hand and around each thumb.
Get soap under your fingernails by rubbing your nails against the palm or inside of your other hand. If your nails are dirty, clean under them.
Keep rubbing your hands together until the end of your count.
Rinse your hands completely.
Because the sink has germs, use a paper towel to turn off the water.
Throw away the paper towel.
Use a new paper towel to dry your hands completely.
Then throw it away.
If soap and water are not available you may use alcohol-based, waterless hand sanitizers. Use enough sanitizer to cover your hands completely when you rub them together and keep rubbing them together until they are dry.
Waterless sanitizers kill most but not all germs. Sanitizers are not as good as soap and water for germs from diarrhea, especially a bacteria called CDiff (say “C” “Diff”).
They also do not work if you can see dirt on your hands or if they are wet from blood or something else.
Key points to remember with handwashing are to use soap from a pump dispenser, rub your hands together for 20-30 seconds, and rinse completely with water.
Remember with waterless hand sanitizers to rub in until dry, that they are not a good choice if you see dirt on your hands and that they do not kill all germs, especially those from diarrhea.
This video is intended as a tool to help you to better understand the care instructions that you have been given. It is not intended to replace any specific advice or personal care instructions that you have received from your care team. If you have any questions or problems please be sure to call or be seen.
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