Thursday, January 20, 2011

PreOp® Hip Replacement Surgery Patient Education

Patient Education Company
You doctor has recommended that you undergo hip replacement surgery. But what exactly does that mean?

The hip joint is the place where the thighbone - called the femur - and the hipbone - called the pelvis - meet.

As you walk, the ball-shaped end of the thigh moves within a cuplike depression on the side of the hip.

As long as the thigh can move smoothly against the hip, you are able to walk comfortably. But over time, especially in patients who suffer from arthritis or rheumatism, the hip joint can wear down.

Cartilage, the tissue that cushions the bones and makes it possible for them to move smoothly against each other can wear away.

When this happens, the bones rub together causing pain and even restricting the ability to walk.
* In some cases, hip surgery is recommended for people who have suffered a hip fracture.
* No matter what the cause, one of the most effective ways to fix a damaged hip is to replace it surgically.

In this procedure, the ball-shaped bone at the top of the thigh is removed and replaced with a metal substitute.

The hip socket is widened and lined with a smooth pad that allows the metal ball joint to move more freely against the pelvis.

Hip replacement surgery is a major operation, but your doctor believes that the procedure -- followed up with physical therapy and time to heal -- will result in reduced pain and greater mobility.

So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation.

A Patient Education Company -Surgery

On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
You may receive a sedative by mouth ...
... and an intravenous line may be put in.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
In the operating room, a nurse will prepare by clipping or shaving skin around your hip and thigh.

The anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia - probably general anesthesia by injection and inhalation mask.
The surgeon will then apply antiseptic solution to the skin ...
... and place a sterile drape around the operative site.
Then, when you are asleep, the surgical team will make an incision over the hip and along the thigh.

The team will pull the skin aside to reveal the muscle tissue below.
They'll then make another incision to reveal the hip joint.
Next, the team pulls the top of the thighbone...
... out of the hip socket.

Using a precision surgical saw, your doctor will carefully remove the ball-shaped end of the thighbone.

Then, the surgical team will use a high-speed drill to hollow out the top of the thighbone.
A specially fitted artificial ball joint slides into the top of the thighbone.
Next, your doctor will smooth the inner surface of the hip socket.
Once the socket has been thoroughly cleaned, the artificial lining will be secured in place with special screws.

The artificial ball joint is turned inward and fit into the socket.

The team carefully checks to make sure that it fits and allows the full range of normal motion.
Muscle and other tissues are closed over the joint using dissolvable stitches. A temporary draining tube may be added.

Finally, the skin is closed with sutures... and protected with sterilized strips.

Patient Education Company - Recovery

Hip replacement surgery rarely leads to complications.

* It is possible that one or both of the artificial components could come loose, requiring another operation.
* Muscle, nerve or bone damage is also possible although very unlikely.

Another possible complication is a persistent residual neuralgia -- or pain -- around the scar. It can be either localized or general. It may develop soon after surgery -- or even weeks or months later.
In rare cases, the surgery does not restore full mobility or stability to your hip and thigh.

Once you return home, you will be responsible to keeping the dressing intact and clean.
Patient Education

As with all surgery, you should be alert for signs of infection near the incision - increased swelling, redness, bleeding or other discharge. Your doctor may advise you to be on the alert for other symptoms as well. If you experience any unusual symptoms, report them to your doctor right away.

You may also notice some bruising in the general area of the incision. The discoloration may be extensive - but as with any bruise, it should heal on it's own.

Before you leave, you'll be given discharge guidelines which may include diet, medication, work and other activity restrictions.

You'll also make at least one follow-up appointment so that the doctor will be able to check the healing of the incision and/or to remove sutures.

A Patient Education Company


  1. Very good basic information one needs to know all about the procedure. I just wish that they have discussed the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement.

    DePuy Pinnacle Lawsuit

  2. Great information. Your blog would certainly ease the mind of those who have been recommended for hip replacement surgery or at least guide them on what further questions to ask their doctors before making the decision. One factor which should also be given consideration is the type of hip implant that would be used. There have been many patients who have continued to suffer after their hip replacement surgery because they have been victimized by the ASR hip replacement recall.

  3. Thank you for a very informative article. I would share it with many people so they would not be ignorant about hip replacement surgery. This way, they would already be aware of what would happen during the procedure. Your article would also be a great guide if people would want an in depth discussion about the procedure with their doctors. The many complaints surrounding the DePuy hip replacement recall had me scared about the procedure but I realized that the kind of hip implant is only one factor, although also very important and needs careful consideration.

  4. It is sad to know how depuy asr hip has affected the lives of many.

  5. I think that a Hip Lawyer would be of great help.

  6. The Exeter hip stem was developed in the United Kingdom during the same time as the Charnley device. This is also a cemented device, but with a slightly different stem geometry. Private Hip Replacement

  7. Since it is a metal-on-metal hip implant it can be dangerous to the patient’s health. Metal-on-metal hip implants, as they rub each other will release metal ions that is harmful to the tissues. That is why after a couple of years after the surgery, patients will start to feel pain and other complications related to the hip operation. This dilemma is very popular among the affected patients. This is also among the reasons why many patients resort to filing DePuy Pinnacle lawsuits.
