Saturday, November 10, 2012

PostCare™ Injecting Insulin

NEW site Patient Education Company

This program will demonstrate injecting insulin.
The goal is to inject the insulin into the subcutaneous tissue between the top layer of the skin, the dermis and the underlying muscle layer.
The only concentration of insulin available in the United States is 100 units per milliliter. A milliliter is equal to a cubic centimeter. All insulin syringes are graduated to match this concentration.
Insulin syringes are available in various volumes, for example: 3/10 cc, which would hold a maximum dose of 30 units, 1/2 cc to hold a maximum dose of 50 units and 1 cc to hold a maximum dose of 100 units.
Some insulins are cloudy suspensions. To ensure uniform dispersion of the insulin in the cloudy suspension, roll the vial gently between your hands. Avoid vigorous shaking, which will produce air bubbles or foam and interfere with obtaining the accurate dose.
Wipe off the top of the bottle with an alcohol swab. Discard the swab.
Pick up the syringe and remove the needle cap. With the syringe held upright, pull the plunger back until the end of the plunger is at the mark of your dose,
which in this example is 20 units. There is now air in the syringe.
Check the insulin bottle to ensure you have the correct type of insulin.
With the insulin bottle held firmly on a counter or tabletop, insert the needle through the rubber cap into the bottle.
Push the plunger down so that the air goes from the syringe into the bottle.
Turn the bottle upside down so that the air in it is at the top.
With the tip of the needle kept in the liquid, pull the plunger back to your dose. If any air bubbles are in the syringe, push the plunger back in and draw up the dose again.
Remove the syringe and needle from the bottle. Do not let the needle touch anything else until it touches your skin for the injection.
Wipe the skin of the chosen injection site with an alcohol swab and let the skin dry.
Pinch up the skin and put the needle fully through the skin at an 80 to 90 degree angle and push the plunger down completely.
Discard the syringe and attached needle into a puncture-proof container and replace the container's screw cap.
Instead of a puncture-proof container you can purchase a special "Sharps" container with a hinged lid to store your used syringes and needles.
When your storage or "Sharps" container is 3/4 full, dispose of it according to the policies of your local authorities.

The recommended sites for insulin injections are shown. Change the place of each injection by moving a couple of inches from the previous site.
By doing this, you can stay in one general area for several days.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It's very informative. I get something out from injecting insulin. However, we have to put in mind that after injecting we have to throw our used needle,syringes and insulin in a sharps container to avoid to avoid injury and spreading of infections that cause serious health conditions. The most common infections are Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Impact Hygiene provides a convenient sharps waste disposal solution handled by professionally trained technicians. The containers you need to safely and securely dispose of scalpels, needles, syringes and other medical waste will be provided, and serviced to provide you with convenience and peace of mind.

    Impact Hygiene - Sharps
