PreOp® Patient Education Company
Your doctor has recommended that you undergo Laparoscopic Gastric - Adjustable Band Surgery. But what exactly does that mean?
Laparoscopic Gastric - Adjustable Band is a surgical procedure used to help a patient lose weight.
It is usually recommended to help those who are morbidly obese - meaning that their weight problem has become a serious health risk.
Most severely overweight patients overeat. Food enters the body through the mouth, travels down the esophagus where it collects in the stomach.
From there, digested food passes into the small intestine. Nutrients taken from the food pass from the small intestine into the bloodstream.
Waste travels to the colon and leaves the body through the anus.
The amount of food that a person eats is partly controlled by appetite. The stomach plays an important role in controlling appetite. When the stomach is empty, a person feels the urge to eat. When the stomach is full, that urge goes away. An adjustable band dramatically reduces the size of the stomach.
With a smaller stomach, the patient is physically unable to eat large amounts of food.
With less food entering the body, fat stores begin to be used. The patient loses weight.
So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation.
Your Procedure:
On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
You may receive a sedative by mouth
and an intravenous line may be put in.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
The anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia - probably general anesthesia by injection and inhalation mask.
The surgeon will then apply antiseptic solution to the skin and place a sterile drape around the operative site.
Then, when you are asleep, the surgical team will make an incision just above the navel.
A tube-shaped collar called a trocar will be placed inside the incision to hold it open.
Harmless carbon dioxide gas will be used to inflate the abdomen, serving to enlarge the work area and to separate the organs.
The team then inserts the laparoscope.
Once in place, the laparoscope will provide video images that allow the surgeon to see the inside of your abdomen.
Next, the team makes four more incisions - taking special care to keep the openings as small as possible. These openings will provide access for other surgical instruments.
Once the team has a clear view of the stomach, your doctor will insert a special tube into your mouth and throat. The surgical team guides the tube into your abdomen until the tip reaches the top of the stomach.
At the tip of the tube there is a balloon. Your doctor will inflate the balloon when it is in position. Using the position of the balloon as a guide, your doctor will create a space around the stomach.
Next, the team will insert an adjustable band into the abdomen.
After deflating the balloon, your doctor will guide the band until it circles the top of the stomach.
Once the band is in place, the team will check the position by re-inflating the balloon.
After making any final adjustments to the position of the band, your doctor will tighten and lock it into place. Next, the team will fill the band with saline solution causing it to further tighten around the stomach.
To keep the band in place, a portion of the stomach will be pulled over the band and secured with 4 or 5 stitches. The remaining portion of the tube used to pass saline into the band will be trimmed and a special valve will be attached.
The valve will be sutured into place just below the skin in the upper left area of the abdomen. This valve will allow your doctor to adjust the tightness of the band and control the size of the opening into your stomach.
When the team is satisfied that the band is properly functioning, they will withdraw all surgical instruments and close the incisions with sutures or staples.
Finally, a sterile dressing is applied.
Patient Education Company
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