Monday, May 29, 2017

PreOp® Myomectomy for Fibroids Surgery, Patient Education

Myomectomy for Fibroids Surgery, PreOp® Patient Education -

StoreMd -

On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.

You may receive a sedative by mouth and an intravenous line may be put in.

You will then be transferred to the operating table.

To begin, your groin will be clipped or shaved and the anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia - most probably general anesthesia by injection and inhalation mask.

The surgeon will then apply an antiseptic solution to the skin and will place a sterile drape around the operative site.

After you are asleep, a horizontal incision will be made across your lower abdomen.

Your doctor will use an instrument called a retractor to pull the skin aside, exposing your abdominal muscles.

The surgeon then separates the muscles by making a vertical incision.

Another retractor is used to pull aside the muscles and hold them in place. The fibroid will now be visible.

Using a pair of forceps, your doctor will take hold of the abdominal fibroid tumors

and pull it up and away from the wall of the uterus.

Next, you doctor will cut the connection between the fibroid and the uterus.

The fibroid is then removed.

A series of stitches are used to close incisions. First, the uterine wall is closed.

Then, the muscle retractor is removed and the abdominal muscles are sewn together.

Finally, the incision in the skin is closed

and a sterile bandage is applied to the site.

#meaningfuluse, #MedEd, #PatientExperience

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