Sunday, August 20, 2017

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery • Patient...

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery • Patient Education Patient Education Company Your doctor has recommended that you undergo Laser-In-Situ Keratomileusis - or LASIK Laser surgery - to correct a vision problem. What is lasik eye surgery? The human eye is constructed like a camera … with a clear lens in the front and light-sensitive tissue at the rear. This tissue makes up the retina which acts like photographic film. Patient Education In an eye that has perfect vision, light rays passing through the pupil are focused by the lens to fall precisely at the center of the retina. There are many common problems that can affect the eye and prevent light rays from focusing properly on the retina. Three of these problems, myopia - or nearsightedness; hyperopia - or farsightedness; and astigmatism can often be corrected or reduced with the use of LASIK laser surgery. Patient Education Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when the…

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